on spiritual poverty: or, who is needy?

Too often well meaning Christians talk In dichotomies and fail to acknowledge the side they belong on. One of these is the poor. When Jesus spoke of The Poor, he meant it in several different ways, clarifying that without God we are all needy and have nothing. Our specific needs may be different but we all have needs and the way we love each other best is to serve each other and carry each other’s burdens whatever those specific burdens may be.

In fact Jesus started his ministry with what we call the sermon on the mount and the first saying is Blessed are the poor or poor in spirit. Matthew wrote one and Luke another. Throughout his life Jesus cared deeply for the poor AND for those who saw themselves as needy. Those who were humble to say I need Jesus were truly those drawn to the kingdom and participated in the sacrifice of what they did have in abundance to get what they lacked.

Spiritual poverty is the idea that you don’t have enough spiritual resources to fight the fight. To fight as someone poor in spirit, you have to know how much the cost will be, if you’re willing to pay it, and even if you’re willing to pay it, know it’s more than you can afford. Jesus warned us not to follow if we weren’t going to count the cost and knowing that we have a limited supply on our own.

But in the kingdom of heaven we have the confidence in the Gospel – the good news- that says all we have is in Jesus and that means we have limitless resources! But where does he provide them?

Through his hands and feet which are … The Church!!

Oh Church, we are here to be those hands and feet, to give freely and to give all, willing to pay the price out of love and profound kindness. It will be this kindness (hesed often translated into loving kindness) that radiates from those who have experienced the deep life changing goodness of God.

It is this goodness – this hesed- chasing after us, running us down throughout our lives like in Psalm 23. It isn’t just “following” us, it’s hunting us, coming at us, and never ever giving up on us.

Have you known this kindness? Have you seen it in your life? I have. And it compels me to be part of the hands and feet that bring this Goodness news to those who need it most – and sometimes that’s me. Sometimes I look around and room and think *I* need to hear the love and mercy of Jesus just as much and more than anyone else. I need to know I’m loved. I need to know Jesus loves me and his bride loves me too.

Be kind.

Be loved.

Also for more on Psalm 23 and this kindness, buy my hubs book


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