File under: don’t just listen to that last guy either – PCA stories dropping like flies

Two more stories…

One posted here by a ministry website. I knew about this one…

The other Twitter thread was posted yesterday. I knew about this one too…


“When we joined the PCA 7 years ago, I was so excited to be part of a denomination that took theology serious and was so excited to raise my daughter and son in this church. Over those 7 years though so I saw so many “good men” turn their head to abuse.

Multiple presbyteries not just overlooking abuse, but actively fighting to silence victims and calls for reform. I saw a man lie to his wife, congregation, elders, and get offered a severance and a new job at a “better” church.

I was called a child of satan for demanding transparency and accountability. We lost friends and an entire community because of the actions of certain leaders in the PCA.

The most frustrating part was how cavalier the Columbus Metro Presbytery treated shutting down our church. Our old Teaching Elder quit when he was caught in multiple lies, yet he was allowed to advocate for the dissolution of our church in private session.

We had probably 2 dozen church members show up to the presbytery meeting to support our church and we were not allowed to speak. The meeting started, immediately went into executive session where we had to leave, and a few hours later our church was no more.

Of course our former teaching elder, who resigned prior to this meeting, was granted a severance. Praise be to God that at least one church in the presbytery saw the evilness and has since left the denomination.

If you’re in the PCA, and don’t want to be associated with individuals like this. I plead with you to request the presbytery minutes and commission reports from my presbytery. Ask questions and demand answers. There is no togetherness for the gospel when the victims stands alone.”
